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Services Provided

Mobile Irrigation Lab - our MIL team provides free, site-specific irrigation expertise in analyzing irrigation systems and educating agricultural property owners on how to improve the efficiency of their water use. The MILs provide recommendations on the improvement of existing irrigation systems and equipment and educate their customers and the general public on water conservation, irrigation planning, and irrigation management. 

Best Management Practices - A BMP is defined by law as a means, a practice or combination of practices determined by the coordinating agencies, based on research, field testing, and expert review, to be the most effective and practicable on-location means, including economic and technological considerations, for improving water quality in agricultural and urban discharges. According to Section 373.4595 (2)(a), Florida Statutes, BMPs for agricultural discharges must reflect a balance between water quality improvements and agricultural productivity.    

Categories of practices include:

  • Nutrient management to determine nutrient needs and sources and manage nutrient applications (including manure) to minimize impacts to water resources. 
  • Irrigation management to address the method and scheduling of irrigation to reduce water and nutrient losses to the environment. 
  • Water resource protection using buffers, setbacks, and swales to reduce or prevent the transport of sediments and nutrients from production areas to waterbodies. 

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Servies Office of Agricultural Water Policy (FDACS OAWP) develops and adopts BMPs by rule for different types of agricultural commodities., Florida law provides for agricultural producers to reduce their impacts on water quality through the implementation of applicable BMPs adopted by FDACS. 

How to enroll in BMPs

  1. Request on-farm technical assistance. Contact your FDACS OAWP representative at the JSWCD offices. Call Peggy at 850-372-4793 to talk about an appointment. (Or 
  2. Identify Applicable BMPs. FDACS OAWP representatives will work with producers to identify all BMPs that are applicable to the operation and to document the BMPs on the Notice of Intent to Implement BMPs (NOI) and BMP checklist. The BMP checklist will serve as the basis for subsequent implementation verification site visits to verify the proper implementation of the BMPs. 
  3. Submit and NOI. During the enrollment site visit, the FDACS OAWP representatives will assist the producer with completing an NOI and BMP checklist and, if applicable, review other supporting materials such as a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan or Florida Department of Environmental Protection-approved Nutrient Management Plan for biosolids application. Completion and execution of the NOI with the BMP checklist identifying the applicable BMPs in agreement with FDACS OAWP representatives formally enrolls the producer in the BMP Program. 
  4. Properly Implement the BMPs. Producers are required to properly implement all applicable BMPs as soon as practicable, but no later than 18 months after completion and execution of the NOI and associated BMP Checklist. BMPs indicated as "Planned" in the BMP Checklist must include a completion date agreed to by FDACS OAWP representatives in the comments section. BMPs that require engineering and design, permitting, or construction may be granted an extended schedule for implementation if justified. The proper implementation of BMPs requires ongoing record-keeping and maintenance of BMPs.

Cost-Share Programs 

FDACS works with multiple partners, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, FDEP, water management districts, and soil and water conservation districts, to provide funding to assist producers in implementing Best Management Practices. FDACS prioritizes the use of cost share funding for projects and practices that provide the greatest benefits to water resources. 


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